How UAPs Work

Sebastian Schepis
3 min readJun 8, 2023


It’s all about light

UAPs — at least the ones capable of appearing and dissapearing — work through their ability to control how they interact with light — and therefore how subject they are to the laws of the classical realm.

What modern science hasn’t accepted yet is the primacy of the observer, as well as the universality of observation. It’s not just us engaged in observation — every radiation and absorption event is an observation event.

How is it possible to state this? We can say this because we can show that we — the human observer — is observationally equivalent to the natural observer. We can show this by proving that they are mathematically modeled identically, and therefore subject to the same outcomes, in function.

We do this by showing that when it comes to the fundamental measure of their locality — their position and speed in space — each object can only discuss any other unobserved object probabilistically. In other words — both the human and the natural observer are only describable by probabilistic math.

Not only does this make the quantum and the classical equivalent — with the only difference being whether it is observed or not — it says that the observation of the human observer can be used to understand the natural observer.

The Universe tells us that it functions by interface — it functions through the activity of observation and is maintained by it. Thus, in order to change our relationship to the universe we must change our relationship to its observers and make ourselves unavailable to the light which is used as the connector between all things.

We do this by engineering a skin from a metamaterial capable of interacting with the environment in such a way as to appear to the environment as if we are not there, and then we aren’t. We become a quantum wavefunction from the environments perspective, and now we are free to go where we want to.

We’ve already done this once that we know of — the Philadelphia experiment. The Philadelphia experiment was an attempt to make a ship invisible to radar. Instead, it made it invisible to the entire spectrum of the EM band, making it no longer part of our Universe. They had no idea how to steer, however and so the experiment ended tragically, with sailors ending up fused into metal bulkheads and other such unpleasant events. But it worked — just not at all in the way they expected.

This was sometime during the middle of the last century. If they achieved that then — imagine what they have now. Quantum Gravity, wormholes — all of that is nonsense — red herrings thrown out to the public to keep people from the obvious. It’s all about light.



Sebastian Schepis

I write about the intersection of the classical, the quantum, and the observational, exploring perspective and meaning