Why would Americans care? Our country regularly invades other countries, acting as a belligerent agressor, a stance that has been largely accepted as business-as-usual beyond the occasional complaint about the constant killing the USA engages in.
I have watched for 30 years as we have done this - as we have killed over a million innocents to enforce our narrative globally.
We are doing it again with Ukraine and Russia - we fomented this war. We have been working behind the scenes since 2014 to make this happen.
The Ukrainians knew it, and they let us do it - money separates people from morals rapidly, after all.
So instead of talking to their neighbor to the north they flipped em the bird and bombed some if their people.
So I don't want to hear it. The Russians are terrible -but so are the Ukrainians, and us Americans are just the worst - we never even bothered to stop to feel anything about the million dead.
Fight all you want. Leave us out of it. Go clean up your messes like adults.